
LibreNMS, Open Source Network Monitoring System

We received a question this week asking about network monitoring systems available for PHP, and we are sharing with you today one of the best open source tools for network monitoring...
WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache

Cloudflare Super Page Cache WordPress Plugin

Cloudflare have just released a new Wordpress plugin that can make caching of Wordpress bases websites more performant. Since we are already using Cloudflare dns, we switched old caching solution with...

DOMJudge programming contest jury system

DOMjudge is an automated judge system to run programming contests. It has a mechanism to submit problem solutions, have them judged fully automatically and provides (web)interfaces for teams, the jury and...

Parsica, Easiest Way to Build Robust Parsers in PHP.

Parsica, PHP Parser Combinators, is the easiest way to build robust parsers in PHP. A parser is a function that takes some unstructured input (like a string) and turns it into...

Top Five PHP Libraries to Boost Code Quality

Day by day you will get more and more familiar with PHP coding standards and your code quality will be perfect by default... And if that day is not happening yet,...

SleekDB, A NoSQL Database made using PHP

SleekDB is a simple flat file NoSQL like database implemented in PHP without any third-party dependencies that store data in plain JSON files. It is not designed to handle heavy-load IO...

Tiki 10.0, the Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki 10.0 is the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware released. This release, with more than 600 code contributions by nearly a dozen Tiki Community members, includes many new features,...

Mailamie, Simple SMTP catch all server for testing

Mailamie is a pretty simple Catch All SMTP Server for local testing completely written in PHP and based on the great work made by the folks at ReactPhp. Sometime you just need a...

Sulu CMS, Deliver awesome, robust, reliable websites

Sulu is a content management platform based on Symfony made for businesses. It's a flexible CMS to create and manage enterprise multi-sites and a reliable development environment for high-performance apps. With...
laravel nova

Laravel Nova v3.11.0 Released

Laravel Nova is the beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel. The version 3.11.0 have just been released with lots of new features and bugfixes. Some of the new features in this...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...