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Advanced Topics

This category covers advanced PHP topics such as OOP, design patterns, database, web services, and emerging technologies. Readers can learn how to leverage advanced PHP techniques to build scalable and robust web applications.

Getting Started with Bref: Deploying Serverless PHP Applications on AWS Lambda

Serverless computing has become a popular approach for building scalable and cost-effective applications. With serverless, you can focus on writing code without worrying about managing servers, infrastructure, and scaling. AWS Lambda...

PHP Design Patterns Game : The Observer Pattern

Welcome to our series of articles on PHP Design Patterns Games! In this article, we'll be exploring another popular design pattern, the Observer Pattern. This behavioral pattern is used to establish...

PHP Design Patterns Game : The Factory Pattern

Welcome to our new series of articles, PHP Design Patterns Games! In this article, we will explore another creational design pattern, the Factory Pattern. The Factory Pattern is used to create...

Introducing Pest 2.0: The Next Generation of PHP Testing

The Pest team have just announced the release of Pest 2.0, an advanced PHP testing framework that brings numerous improvements and new features to streamline your testing process. After 18 months...

PHP Design Patterns Game : The Singleton Pattern

Welcome to our new series of articles, PHP Design Patterns Game ! In this series, we will explore various design patterns and their implementation in sample and easy games using PHP....

Simplify Your Statistical Calculations with the PHP Statistics Package

Statistical functions are often used in software development, especially in data analytics and machine learning. For PHP developers, the Statistics PHP package provides various statistical functions for mathematical analysis of numeric...

Laragon: Fast, Easy, and Feature-Packed Local Development for PHP

Laragon is a modern, powerful, and easy-to-use local development tool that has revolutionized the way developers work. With its blazing fast speed, easy installation process, and flexible features, Laragon has quickly...

Boosting PHP Performance with Design Patterns: Real-World Examples

PHP design patterns do not necessarily directly improve performance, but they can help in writing better quality code that is more maintainable, scalable, and easier to test. However there are some...

Say Hello to Bref 2.0: The PHP Serverless Framework

Bref 2.0, the serverless framework for PHP has just been released. Matthieu, author of Bref, in addition to many contributors started working on Bref 2.0 around 1.5 years ago, and the...

Transcribe and Translate Audio Files with Writeout.ai

Are you tired of manually transcribing and translating audio files for your projects? Look no further than Writeout.ai, a web application that uses OpenAI's Whisper API to transcribe audio files and...

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