Amazon Alexa SDK for PHP 1.0 Released

You can develop Alexa skills in PHP using the Amazon Alexa SDK for PHP library. Using the following code as starting point for your own skill. First you have to create...

Twitalytic, Archiving, Curating, and Threading Tweets

Gina Trapani, of LifeHacker, released an alpha preview of a new PHP web application Twitalytic which aims to provide Twitter data crawler, replies archiver, and statistics generator. After crawling your tweets,...

EspoCRM, Free Open Source CRM with Professional Features and Support

Are you looking for a powerful and flexible CRM solution for your business? Look no further than EspoCRM, the Free Open Source CRM software that helps you manage all your company relationships...
laravel vapor

Easily Upgrade to Laravel 8 with Laravel Vapor

Mohamed Said, Laravel Developer, announced today that applications running on laravel Vapor can already upgrade to Laravel 8.x after making sure they run the latest vapor-core, vapor-cli, and vapor-ui. Applications using...

PHPStan Pro edition launched

Ondřej Mirtes have just announced the availability of the pro edition of PHPStan, the static analysis tool for PHP. The new pro edition aim to enhance user experience when using PHPStan...

Casbin, Powerful and Efficient ACL for Your Projects

Casbin is an authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for Golang, Java, PHP and Node.js. The PHP version have been recently released and provides support for Laravel,...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...