
Bootstrap v4.6.0 have just been released with a couple new features, several bugfixes, and some awesome documentation updates to make v4 more maintainable alongside our development of v5. The biggest change in v4.6.0 is the all new backend, built with Hugo like v5, that means no more Ruby dependency for v4.x, improved maintainability between major versions, faster development, and incredibly fast build times compared to Jekyll.

More new features included in v4.6.0 :

  • Tooltips and popovers can have custom clases via customClass option.
  • Added new .navbar-nav-scroll class for scrolling expanded navbar contents on mobile devices.
  • For improved accessibiliy, spinners now slow down when prefers-reduced-motion is enabled.
  • v4.x docs are now built on Hugo for easier maintenance and backports from v5.x.
  • Darkened background-color of .dropdown-item for improved hover state contrast, and ligthened the disabled .dropdown-item color.
  • Improved alignment of form validation tooltips.
  • File inputs no longer extend beyond their containers.

Detailed changes on github, more information at


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