WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache

Cloudflare have just released a new WordPress plugin that can make caching of WordPress bases websites more performant. Since we are already using Cloudflare dns, we switched old caching solution with new Cloudflare plugin and the result are very interesting. As we gained at least 10 points in page speed performance from about 47 to 61 !

The free Cloudflare plan allows you to enable a page cache by entering the Cache Everything rule, greatly improving response times.

However for dynamic websites such as WordPress, it is not possible to use this rule without running into problems as it is not possible to exclude critical web pages from the cache, the sessions for logged in users, ajax requests and much more.

And thanks to WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache plugin all of this becomes possible. You will be able to significantly improve the response times of your WordPress website by taking advantage of the very fast Cloudflare cache also for HTML pages, saving a lot of bandwidth. The alternative to this plugin is to purchase and configure the Enterprise plan.

The plugin is compatible with all versions of WordPress and all WordPress themes. It can also be used in conjunction with other performance plugins – such like Autoptimize and LiteSpeed Cache – as long as their rules do not interfere with the Cloudflare cache.

Get WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cloudflare-page-cache/


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