PrettyCI, Continuous Integration for PHP Coding Standards

Stop wasting time on coding style ! That's PrettyCI slogan, the online service will provides you with PHP CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer straight into GitHub's new Checks tab. All you need to...

JoyJS, a joyful HTML5 2D Game Engine

JoyJS is a very new HTML5 2D Game Engine designed to be easy to use. The current version of the library 0.1.1 provides support for : Keyboard input Mouse input Viewport / Head-up display Tilemap /...
PHP Depend

PHP Depend 0.9.6 Released

Manuel Pichler announced today the availability of PHP Depend 0.9.6, the software metrics for PHP. The new release provides many bug fixes and improvements. Manuel started migrating PHP_Depend's internal system from...

Apache NetBeans 10.0 Released

A major release of Apache Netbeans have just been announced and available for download : 10.0. No official installers are provided for this release, so you only have to download the...

Atoum, Simple Modern and Intuitive Unit Testing Framework for PHP

Just like SimpleTest or PHPUnit, Atoum is a unit testing framework specific to the PHP programming language. However, it has been designed from the start with the following ideas in mind: Rapid implementation, Simplify test...

Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor – CodeLobster IDE

In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages - CodeLobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for a long time already,...

PHP Insights, Instant PHP Quality Checks from your Console

PHP Insights is a simple command line to analyze the code quality of your PHP projects. Written and maintained by Nuno Maduro, author of Laravel Zero the framework for console artisans....

Larapush, Deploy your Codebase With Artisan

Larapush is a command line utility that will let you deploy your codebase to your web server using a new Laravel Artisan command. Larapush requires PHP 7.2 and Laravel 5.8+, some...

Takeout, Mac-based CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers

Takeout is a Mac-based CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies. It's meant to be paired with a tool like Laravel Valet. With...

NelmioApiDocBundle 4.0 Released

NelmioApiDocBundle is a Symfony bundle that allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs. The version 4.0 of the bundle have just been released providing OpenAPI 3.0 support. Migration guide...

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