
Xdebug 3.0.0beta1 Released with PHP8 support

Derick Rethans just announced the availability of Xdebug 3.0.0beta1. This version supports PHP 8, and changes how Xdebug is configured. It is also much faster than Xdebug 2. Configuration changes, massive...

Verify, BDD Assertions for PHPUnit and Codeception

Verify is a very tiny wrapper for PHPUnit assertions, that are aimed to make tests a bit more readable. With BDD assertions influenced by Chai, Jasmine, and RSpec your assertions would be a bit closer to natural language. To...

Composer 2.0 Released with Performance Improvement

This week have been marked by the release of Composer 2.0, the dependency manager for PHP. This is a major release with over 50 new features and bugfixes. Top new feature in...

PHPSpy, Low Overhead Sampling Profiler For PHP 7

PHPSpy is James Bond's favorite tool for PHP7, inspired by the Ruby sampling profiler rbspy. It provides low-overhead sampling profiler for PHP 7, however actually only working with Linux x86_64 non-ZTS PHP...

ClockWork, PHP Dev Tools in your Browser

Clockwork is a new development tool for PHP available right in your browser. It gives you an insight into your application runtime, including request data, performance metrics, log entries, database...

Magallanes, Simplify Your PHP Application Deployments

Magallanes is a deployment tool for PHP applications and written in PHP, also known as MagePHP. Very simple to use and manage but very powerful in features that you will need...

USQL, Universal Command-Line Interface for SQL Databases

USQL is a universal command-line interface for working with SQL databases written in Go which support PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. The goal is to eventually have usql be a drop...

PHP Zip Archive Extension Now Support Encryption

In a recent blog post, Remi Collet pointed to the latest development of the PHP Zip Archive extension which now support encryption. New features are still experimental and might change, so...

Find Errors in your PHP Applications with Psalm

Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications, built on top of PHP Parser. It is designed to understand that complexity, allowing it to quickly find common programmer errors...

Mockit, Docker-based Application to Mock API Endpoints

MockIt is an open source tool to quickly create mocked APIs. It gives you an interface to configure and create REAL mocked endpoints for your applications. Whilst you wait for APIS...

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