PHPStan, PHP Static Analysis Tool

PHPStan is a PHP static analysis tool that focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it. It catches whole classes of bugs even before you write tests for...

PHP Zip Archive Extension Now Support Encryption

In a recent blog post, Remi Collet pointed to the latest development of the PHP Zip Archive extension which now support encryption. New features are still experimental and might change, so...

Var_masterpiece the PHP var_dump Beautifier for Chrome

Var_masterpiece is a simple and useful PHP var_dump() beautifier that you can run on your Chrome browser. It simply turn the result of the var_dump function into a readable, parsable, foldable...

DevSense Violates MIT License in the PHP Tools for VS Code

One of the very popular extension for Visual Studio Code is the PHP Debug Adapter written by Felix Becker. The extension will simply provides debug support for PHP with XDebug. The story is...
Custom runtimes for AWS Lambda

PHP Layer For AWS Lambda Announced

Amazon AWS announced new features in the AWS Lambda such as the custom runtimes, which will let you bring basically any language to the platform. Lambda was launched in 2015, the...

PhpStorm 6 EAP build 126.339 Released

PhpStorm is a Commercial lightweight and smart PHP IDE focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation and on-the-fly error checking. It is always...

SAPUI5, the SAP’s UI Development Toolkit for HTML5

UI Development Toolkit for HTML5, also known as SAPUI5,  is SAP's new enterprise-ready HTML5 rendering library for client-side UI rendering and programming. It combines the advantages of being open and flexible as...

Lighty2Go, A Lightweight Portable LiMP Stack

After WAMP and LAMP, what about a lightweight portable development stack with Lighttpd, MySQL and PHP ? Lighty2Go is a portable LiMP stack on a stick for windows based on the...

JoyJS, a joyful HTML5 2D Game Engine

JoyJS is a very new HTML5 2D Game Engine designed to be easy to use. The current version of the library 0.1.1 provides support for : Keyboard input Mouse input Viewport / Head-up display Tilemap /...

Flutter 1.0 Released, Google’s Portable UI Toolkit

Google have just announced at Flutter Live, the availability of Flutter 1.0, the first stable release of the Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful, native experiences for iOS and Android from...

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