NetBeans IDE 7.3 Released

NetBeans IDE 7.3 have just been released, a new release which should mainly interest PHP and Java developers. NetBeans IDE 7.3 empowers developers to create and debug rich web and mobile...

Symfony 2.1.8 Released

Symfony 2.1.8 is a maintenance version released yesterday, fixing about 30 bugs, most interesting ones include : b2080c4: Remove Cache-Control when using https download via IE<9 (fixes #6750) 3e40c17: fixed locale management...

Mailamie, Simple SMTP catch all server for testing

Mailamie is a pretty simple Catch All SMTP Server for local testing completely written in PHP and based on the great work made by the folks at ReactPhp. Sometime you just need a...

Lighty2Go, A Lightweight Portable LiMP Stack

After WAMP and LAMP, what about a lightweight portable development stack with Lighttpd, MySQL and PHP ? Lighty2Go is a portable LiMP stack on a stick for windows based on the...
Custom runtimes for AWS Lambda

PHP Layer For AWS Lambda Announced

Amazon AWS announced new features in the AWS Lambda such as the custom runtimes, which will let you bring basically any language to the platform. Lambda was launched in 2015, the...

Ready? Set? Code! Elance Introduces New Code Testing Platform And Sponsors PHP “Code-off”

Skill Testing Partner ExpertRating Launches New Code Testing Platform Exclusively On Elance Mountain View, Calif. (November 17, 2009) - Elance, where companies hire and manage independent workers and teams online, announced...

TeeChart for PHP Open Source edition

Steema Software have just announced the new free, open source version for non-commercial use, of TeeChart for PHP, the native Charting component library for PHP developers. The new version is downloadable...

PPM, process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications

PHP-PM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications. Based on ReactPHP and works best with applications that use request-response frameworks like Symfony's HTTPKernel. The approach of this is to...

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