Stop wasting time on coding style ! That’s PrettyCI slogan, the online service will provides you with PHP CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer straight into GitHub’s new Checks tab. All you need to do is to Sign in with your Github account, activate your repository on your PrettyCI dashboard, then every time you push PHP code into your repository, PrettyCI will analyse your code and update instantly your commit status in the checks tab.

PrettyCI is built on standard tools, it runs PHP CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer that you can run yourself on your own machine without any vendor lock-in. Every analysis runs in a throwable and isolated environment, and your code is thrown away once the analysis has finished running.

PrettyCI applies the PSR-2 coding standard by default. The analysis can be customized using either a standard PHP CodeSniffer or PHP-CS-Fixer configuration file, PrettyCI will detect it automatically.

Get started today with PrettyCI !


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