A major release of Apache Netbeans have just been announced and available for download : 10.0. No official installers are provided for this release, so you only have to download the binaries and unzip them. The features driving the Apache NetBeans 10 release are JDK 11 and PHP, though JavaScript and Groovy features are also included in Apache NetBeans for the first time.

Some of the PHP features in this Apache Netbeans 10.0 release include :

  • PHP 7.3 Support, in addition to 7.2, 7.1 and even 7.0
  • PHPStan support for code analysis
  • Editor improvements :  Hint for void return types, Suggestion for the strict types declaration…etc.
  • Conditional breakpoints in debugger
  • Autocompletion for delimiters, brackets, and quotes for Twig, in addition to the support for palette.
  • and more !

Apache Netbeans for PHP might not be the first choice editor for PHP developers, but as an open source solution it should be given a try, and you won’t be disappointed !

All the PHP support for NetBeans 9 was contributed by NetBeans user Junichi Yamamoto, so congratulation for these contributions ! It’s not very common to have such generous contributors for open source applications, unless it’s releated to PHP.

Some of the Netbeans PHP features are highlighted below :

Allow a trailing comma in function calls

list() Referenct Assignment

Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntaxes

PHPStan support

Autocompletion for delimiters, brackets, and quotes

Support for the palette

Download Apache Netbeans 10.0



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