PHP Depend

Manuel Pichler announced today the availability of PHP Depend 0.9.6, the software metrics for PHP. The new release provides many bug fixes and improvements. Manuel started migrating PHP_Depend’s internal system from plain Token object to an Abstract Syntax Tree and that’s the main feature behind this release.

PHP Depend
Charts Generated by PHP_Depend

PHP Depend is software analyzer and metric tool which aims to provide many useful information about a specified PHP project. The software rely on @package and @subpackage annotation in the code to generate a summary xml file, in addition to two SVG charts : a JDepend like chart and a pyramid visualization of the summary xml file. Based on these information you can measure the quality of a software project and identify parts of the code that should be refactored.

You can get the latest PHP_Depend version from its PEAR channel:

$pear channel-discover 
$pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta