udemy wordpress courses

7 Free Udemy Courses to learn WordPress

If you are looking for resources to learn WordPress, you should probably have checked YouTube for some videos, but there are already at least 7 free English courses in Udemy where...

How to Install Laravel on XAMPP for Mac users

We noticed that Laravel installation for XAMPP users in Mac is a little problematic. New XAMPP release is using VM to run, however it's quite limited so here is how to...

Google Ads API Client Library for PHP

Google Ads, Formerly known as Adwords, is the Google's advertising platform. You are already familiar with Google Ads if you use it before, or heard about it, but you should also...

Top Five PHP Libraries to Boost Code Quality

Day by day you will get more and more familiar with PHP coding standards and your code quality will be perfect by default... And if that day is not happening yet,...
Learn PHP netflix clone

Learn PHP, JavaScript and MySQL by creating a Netflix Clone from Scratch

Learn PHP Today ! We received lots of questions asking about tutorials that you can begin with learning programming. The problem always when some developers are just starting programming they want...

Symfony 5.2 Adds new Async Cache Recomputing feature

Nicolas Grekas shared on the official Symfony blog a new feature that will be coming in the next Symfony 5.2 : Async cache recomputing. Cache management in previous versions of Symfony...

Faster code Vs faster coding

The eternal question that new PHP developers always ask me is : which is better faster code or faster coding ? And the new question is why choosing PHP for my...

How a Single index.php Generate $65k/Month

Last week Pieter shared a very viral tweet, his single index.php file is generating more than $65k, No frameworks or libraries, except jQuery. The stack is quite simple : PHP7, jQuery,...

Parsica, Easiest Way to Build Robust Parsers in PHP.

Parsica, PHP Parser Combinators, is the easiest way to build robust parsers in PHP. A parser is a function that takes some unstructured input (like a string) and turns it into...

Chernozem, Expert System for smart farming using IOT

Chernozem is an expert system for smart farming using IOT to provide the farmers with best solutions and hardware with the ability to monitor the hardware remotely through the website in...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...