Chernozem is an expert system for smart farming using IOT to provide the farmers with best solutions and hardware with the ability to monitor the hardware remotely through the website in real-time. The system offers: Admin login; to enter all the necessary data into the database and User login; which allows customers to buy the suggested hardware and monitor it.

Chernozem is written in Laravel, using Mysql, Firebase, AdminLTE, and Arduino + NodeMCU. The projects is mostly in Turkish, but didn’t find real difficulties to understand the utility or how to use it. Interfaces are pretty intuitive and very easy to use.

Users can create projects, add sites, greenhouses, and then the different kits available in each location. Then you can configure warning and alarms and access different kind of available information such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, motion, and gas data. Data is displayed in graph every 5 seconds.

Admin can access the number of existing projects, customers using the system, the number of kits created and the number of packages created. You can manage the whole system and data available.

Prototype of the circuit is also available, including how to connect your Arduino to different sensors, fan, etc. There is even photos of the real project implemented.

Chernozem project is a project developed to support agriculture in Turkey. The idea is that the project controls the plants to be produced in agriculture. Thanks to the panel they prepared in advance, users determine the areas they will farm and offer the kits that they will need to use. In addition to the kits recommended, users can add the kits they want to their packages. After the users decide and purchase the packages, it took place he installation phase. After completing the installation, actions such as ventilation, spraying, irrigation, fertilization are carried out according to the values ​​obtained by processing sensors such as temperature, humidity, camera, soil in the planted plants and land.

Released under an MIT license, for more information


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