Last week Pieter shared a very viral tweet, his single index.php file is generating more than $65k, No frameworks or libraries, except jQuery. The stack is quite simple : PHP7, jQuery, CSS, Nginx on Ubuntu, One linode VPS at $400/month, Stripe for payment and Sqlite as database.
What’s the recipe of success ? You understand it’s not the single index.php, nor the framework. The secret is that Pieter website is about remote jobs ! Remote jobs are definitely trending, and it’s really the future today especially after Covid19 pandemic. Lots of companies started hiring remote position, wether the hiring is local or worldwide. is today one of the most popular remote jobs board worldwide, and to get your job posted there it cost about $400, but if you decide to highlight it and make it sticky for one week the price will jump to $1k.
Catching the opportunity of remote jobs was the tricky part of having such single index.php reach such amount of revenue and even more. Should I mention that Pieter have about 90k followers on twitter ?!
The tweet itself was a great marketing move from his side to even boost sales, which really did the trick :
So if you want to build the next big thing, it’s not a matter of Framework or big code, but it’s just a matter of good idea at the right time ! We’ll stop here today, follow us tomorrow as we’ll be following the discussion about how to make your idea shine at the right time !