swoft efficient cronjobs

Implement Efficient Cronjobs with Swoft 2.x PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework

We'll explore in this article implementing efficient Cronjobs with Swoft, the first new generation of PHP high-performance coroutine full stack PHP framework based on Swoole native coroutine, with built-in coroutine web...
symfony Panther

Symfony Panther 1.0 Released, Awesome Browser Testing and Crawling Library

Symfony Panther 1.0 have just been released, the browser testing and web scraping library for PHP and Symfony. The library relies on theWebDriver W3C specification to manipulate real web browsers. Chrome...

Introducing Phanalist: Static Code Analyzer for PHP Written in Rust

As developers, we all want to write clean, efficient, and bug-free code. However, it's easy to make mistakes, especially in a dynamically-typed language like PHP. That's where static code analysis tools...

SymfonyInsight, The Commercial Quality Assurance tool for Symfony with PHP 8 support !

SymfonyInsight is a commercial quality assurance tool that analyzes your source code to find problems that degrade the overall quality of your projects. It's the official Symfony platform to monitor and...

PHP Enums Just Landed in PHP 8.1

Voting for the PHP Enums RFC have just ended today with 44 Yes and & No, So Enumerations will be finally part of the next PHP 8.1. PHP Enumerations RFC was...

Ubiquity, Powerful and Fast PHP Framework for Efficient Design

Ubiquity is a powerful and fast PHP framework, which is quiet about two years old but already getting some attention from the PHP community with 469 stars. The project come with...

PHP 8.1 Looking For Release manager candidates

Let's all make PHP awesome! To guarantee the continuity of the PHP releases, the PHP team are always looking for new Release Manager candidates. Before 2010 PHP releases have always...
New in initializers

New in initializers PHP RFC proposal headway into PHP 8.1

Nikita Popov have just written an RFC proposal to introduce New in initializers in PHP 8.1. The RFC proposes to allow use of new expressions inside initializer expressions, including for property and parameter default...

Boosting Your PHP Application Performance with PHPSpy: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you struggling with slow response times or high resource usage in your PHP application? And looking for quick solution to check what's wrong without changing your application, and with minimal...

From Symfony to Laravel: A Developer’s Journey and Lessons Learned

He is very known for his work on PHP tools such as PHPStan, EasyCodingStandard, and PHP Rector. As a seasoned PHP developer, Tomas has worked with many frameworks and libraries over...

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