
Symfony 5.2.3 released

Symfony 5.2.3 has just been released with about ten bugfixes. It's not really common to have only one release of Symfony, since the 5.1 branch is not supported anymore since last...

Introducing the Fistlab PHP Components

Fistlab is a new initiative to create a set of components in various programming languages, which however works almost the same way. This way it will be easier for developers to go...

RedBeanPHP 1.0 Released, Easy Object Database

RedBeanPHP is a zero-config, easy-to-use object database for PHP and an ORM tool. It works very simply. Just create bean objects and throw them at RedBean. RedBean will analyze your...

Symfony 4.2.0 Release in Numbers

Symfony 4.2.0 have just been released, just few days after the latest release in the 2.8 branch. The new version include over 240 new small and big changes. As for any other...

Symfony released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.5

Three version of Symfony framework have been released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.4 with tons of bugfixes as it's all maintenance releases, and one security issue related to the 4.4 and 5.1...

The End of Zend Framework ?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney, Project Lead Zend Framework, blogged today about the future of Zend Framework. After the acquisition of Zend in 2015 by Rogue Wave Software, the new company recently made a...

Zend Framework 2.3.8 and 2.4.1 Released

The Zend Framework community annonced the availability of two new edition of the framework : 2.3.8 and 2.4.1. These are the eighth and first feature releases, respectively, for these minor versions....

Pomm, The Postgresql object model manager for PHP

Pomm is an open source database access framework in PHP dedicated to the Postgresql™ database. It offers an alternative approach than ORM to using database in web applications developments. Imagine an ORM...

Symfony 4.2 new feature : wait until processes are ready

Maxime Veber shared today a very interesting feature in Symfony 4.2 to let your code wait for a process to finish before running another. The Symfony Process component executes commands taking...

PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

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