Symfony released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.5

Three version of Symfony framework have been released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.4 with tons of bugfixes as it's all maintenance releases, and one security issue related to the 4.4 and 5.1...

Symfony 4.2 new feature : wait until processes are ready

Maxime Veber shared today a very interesting feature in Symfony 4.2 to let your code wait for a process to finish before running another. The Symfony Process component executes commands taking...

Laravel v8.10.0 Released

Laravel just released version 8.10.0 with about 20 new features and few bugfixes ! The new release of the framework added some great new features such : Allow chains to be added...

PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

ShinyCore, build Action-Domain-Responder applications with PHP

ShinyCore is a framework designed to quickly build web applications following the Action-Domain-Responder pattern. The easiest and recommended way to start a new ShinyCore based application is to use the ShinyCoreApp. This boilerplate...

Pomm, The Postgresql object model manager for PHP

Pomm is an open source database access framework in PHP dedicated to the Postgresql™ database. It offers an alternative approach than ORM to using database in web applications developments. Imagine an ORM...

Lumen, The stunningly fast micro-framework by Laravel

A very common issue with most advanced PHP frameworks, is their footprint size which getting bigger with the tons of great features they are including by default. So every time you...

Vitche Emission, Lightweight PHP Framework

Vitche Emission PHP Framework is a non-commercial Open Source lightweight PHP Framework. The key idea of that framework is to use central repository for keeping source code and providing all...

Sylius, the First eCommerce framework that grows with your business

Sylius is the first decoupled eCommerce framework based on Symfony and Doctrine. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and exceptional flexibility make it the best...

Ubiquity, Powerful and Fast PHP Framework for Efficient Design

Ubiquity is a powerful and fast PHP framework, which is quiet about two years old but already getting some attention from the PHP community with 469 stars. The project come with...

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