
ClockWork, PHP Dev Tools in your Browser

Clockwork is a new development tool for PHP available right in your browser. It gives you an insight into your application runtime, including request data, performance metrics, log entries, database...

Ali, Load Testing Tool with Realtime Graphics Results

Ali is a pretty cool load testing tool with real time graphics plot, inspired by vegeta and jplot, it will make load testing more fun since you can quickly identity from graphics any anomalies...

Pest, Elegant PHP Testing Framework

Pest is a Testing Framework created by Nuno Maduro with a focus on simplicity. It was carefully crafted to bring the joy of testing to PHP. Pest is not specific...

Github Action to Setup PHP

Github Action is one of the new great features in Github that will give you power to automate your workflow, connect with the tools you know and love; have more freedom...

Mailamie, Simple SMTP catch all server for testing

Mailamie is a pretty simple Catch All SMTP Server for local testing completely written in PHP and based on the great work made by the folks at ReactPhp. Sometime you just need a...

PHPStan Pro edition launched

Ondřej Mirtes have just announced the availability of the pro edition of PHPStan, the static analysis tool for PHP. The new pro edition aim to enhance user experience when using PHPStan...

NelmioApiDocBundle 4.0 Released

NelmioApiDocBundle is a Symfony bundle that allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs. The version 4.0 of the bundle have just been released providing OpenAPI 3.0 support. Migration guide...

GrumPHP, code quality tool 1.0.0 released

GrumPHP is a code quality tool for PHP, available as a composer plugin under an MIT license. GrumPHP will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits...

PhpStorm 2020.2.2 Released

Jetbrains just Released PhpStorm 2020.2.2, a bug fixes release that you can get from inside the IDE, with the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are an Ubuntu user.  Notable updates: Fixed:...

Awesome PHP Migrations List

Many developers contacted Tomas asking for help to migrate legacy code bases, the reason why he created this awesome list of code bases migrations, legacy refactoring and instant upgrades. So if...

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