Monica, the personal CRM to boost your real social life

When I first discovered Monica two years ago, I thought it was a kind of social network, but the truth it was something much different and a very useful social tool....

Top PHP Security and Malware Scanners

Hope you will are not coming to this page the day you are hit by a malware ! Because the day you discover that your server is compromised by a malware...

Bagisto, Laravel eCommerce Framework

Bagisto is an Open Source eCommerce Framework built on Laravel. A complete eCommerce solution built for merchants to cater their online shop needs and very easy for developers to contribute and...

WxPHP Crossplatform GUI Library for PHP Apps

WxPHP (wxWidgets for PHP) is a cross-platform library which gives you the ability to develop desktop applications using the PHP programming language. This applications can be executed on Windows, Linux and...

Top PHP Based School Management Systems

You will be surprised if you notice the number of School Management systems available today over the internet, and more specifically written in PHP. You will be not only surprised by...

RubixML, Powerful Machine Learning Library for PHP

RubixML is a high-level machine learning library and deep learning that lets you build programs that learn from data using the PHP language. The library supports the two types of machine learning :...

eLabFTW, free and open source electronic lab notebook

eLabFTW is an electronic lab notebook manager for research teams. It lets you store and organize your research experiments easily. It also features a database where any kind of objects (such...

PHPRAD, Advance Rapid Application Development GUI for PHP

PHPRad is an advanced application development environment capable of generating complete applications in PHP using various databases. It provides countless design options and components for generating web applications using Drag n’...
WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache

Cloudflare Super Page Cache WordPress Plugin

Cloudflare have just released a new Wordpress plugin that can make caching of Wordpress bases websites more performant. Since we are already using Cloudflare dns, we switched old caching solution with...

Introduction to Content Modelling with TYPO3

A common complaint among content editors is that a CMS isn’t flexible enough for them. While you can produce a website that looks similar to all the others out there, it’s not always easy to find a CMS that can match up to your compelling ideas. If your designer comes up with a new vision for showing your data, the content editor needs to have a way to execute on that vision.

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