Magallanes, Simplify Your PHP Application Deployments

Magallanes is a deployment tool for PHP applications and written in PHP, also known as MagePHP. Very simple to use and manage but very powerful in features that you will need...

Phel Language, Lisp for PHP

Phel is a functional programming language that compiles to PHP. It is a dialect of Lisp inspired by Clojure and Janet. Built on PHP, it provides a good error reporting, different...

Mercure, Server-sent Live Updates Protocol

Mercure is a protocol allowing to push data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful to publish real-time...

PHPStan can check for PHP8 Readiness before even PHP8 is ready

Ondřej Mirtes, the creator of PHPStan, have announced in a tweet a new feature available for PHPStan. Now you'll be able to check the compatibility of your codebases without even having...

PHPUnit 9.4.1 Released getting ready for PHP8

PHPUnit 9.4.1 just released with one fix of methods with "static" return type (introduced in PHP 8) are not handled correctly by test double code generator. The previous edition added few...

PHP Metrics : Static analysis tool for PHP

Quality assurance is a key element to make your PHP code clean, simple, easy to maintain, secure and free of bugs ! One of the great tools that you can use...

PHP-FIG : HTTP message interfaces PSR-7 accepted

Already 25 votes in favour of the new PSR-7 : HTTP message interfaces, which makes the new PHP standard recommendation accepted according to the PHP-FIG rules. Matthew Weier O'Phinney summarized changes...

ShinyCore, build Action-Domain-Responder applications with PHP

ShinyCore is a framework designed to quickly build web applications following the Action-Domain-Responder pattern. The easiest and recommended way to start a new ShinyCore based application is to use the ShinyCoreApp. This boilerplate...

Swoft, PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework

Swoft is a PHP microservices coroutine framework based on the Swoole extension. Like Go, Swoft has a built-in coroutine web server and a common coroutine client and is resident in memory,...

Find Errors in your PHP Applications with Psalm

Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications, built on top of PHP Parser. It is designed to understand that complexity, allowing it to quickly find common programmer errors...

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