
Xdebug 3.0.0beta1 Released with PHP8 support

Derick Rethans just announced the availability of Xdebug 3.0.0beta1. This version supports PHP 8, and changes how Xdebug is configured. It is also much faster than Xdebug 2. Configuration changes, massive...

Github Action to Setup PHP

Github Action is one of the new great features in Github that will give you power to automate your workflow, connect with the tools you know and love; have more freedom...

PHP vs NodeJs, Why you should not compare

Peter Wayner wrote on InfoWorld an article titled "PHP vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share", sharing developers opinions on who's better PHP vs NodeJs ? First question that...

Jade Advanced Templating Engine available for PHP

Jade is originally a template engine for NodeJS, now available for PHP also. Jade.php is a high performance template compiler heavily influenced by Haml and implemented for PHP 5.3. Key features include...

The End of Zend Framework ?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney, Project Lead Zend Framework, blogged today about the future of Zend Framework. After the acquisition of Zend in 2015 by Rogue Wave Software, the new company recently made a...

Top PHP Based School Management Systems

You will be surprised if you notice the number of School Management systems available today over the internet, and more specifically written in PHP. You will be not only surprised by...

PHP: The “Right” Way Free eBook

We continue this week's security series with a free eBook titled PHP : The "Right" Way, which claims to be your guide to PHP best practices, coding standards, and authoritative tutorials....

Magallanes, Simplify Your PHP Application Deployments

Magallanes is a deployment tool for PHP applications and written in PHP, also known as MagePHP. Very simple to use and manage but very powerful in features that you will need...

Phel Language, Lisp for PHP

Phel is a functional programming language that compiles to PHP. It is a dialect of Lisp inspired by Clojure and Janet. Built on PHP, it provides a good error reporting, different...

Interview with James Watts, Announcing CakePHP 3.0

The CakePHP core team announced today the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.0 with lots of new features and improvements. Almost one year after announcing the first 3.0 preview release, followed by...

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