Preloading RFC Merged in PHP 7.4

The Include of preloading ability into PHP-7.4 have been unanimously approved by the PHP team. This proposal; inspired by the "Class Data Sharing" technology designed for Java HotSpot VM; aims to...

Peachpie, The PHP Compiler and Runtime for .NET

Peachpie is a modern PHP compiler based on Roslyn by Microsoft and drawing from our popular Phalanger project. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET framework, thereby opening the...

Avoid Dynamic Data structures in PHP

This blog post is an object-oriented approach to use Classes instead of build-in arrays. I’ll show you another view on why it’s better to use a Class/Object instead of an array. In...

Swoole, Hot Production-Grade Async programming Framework for PHP

Swoole is an open source, production ready async programming framework for PHP. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, the framework has the built-in async, multiple...

PHPUnit, Mocking the File System using vfsStream

Bryan Ashley, ​Full Stack Software Engineer at Weebly, have written an interesting case study on mocking the file system using vfsStream. vfsStream is a PHP stream wrapper for a virtual file...
Learn PHP netflix clone

Learn PHP, JavaScript and MySQL by creating a Netflix Clone from Scratch

Learn PHP Today ! We received lots of questions asking about tutorials that you can begin with learning programming. The problem always when some developers are just starting programming they want...

Humbug: Mutation Testing for PHP

Pádraic Brady announced in a blog post Hambug, a mutation testing framework for PHP. Basically Hambug injects errors in your original code trying to emulate programmers errors then check whether your...

Phan, Static Analyzer for PHP

Phan is a static analyzer for PHP that prefers to minimize false-positives. Phan attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness. It looks for common issues and will verify type compatibility on various...

Symfony released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.5

Three version of Symfony framework have been released 3.4.44, 4.4.13 and 5.1.4 with tons of bugfixes as it's all maintenance releases, and one security issue related to the 4.4 and 5.1...

Hardening Framework plans to support PHP

The Hardening Framework is a security automation framework that applies secure default configuration while allowing customization for each deployment. It adds a layer into your automation framework, that configures your operating...

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