PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

The Power of Design Sprints: A Modern Approach to Software Development

Design sprints are a modern approach to software development that offer a structured, time-boxed process for tackling complex problems and bringing new products to market quickly. At their core, design sprints...

Google Launches Web Stories WordPress Plugin

Google have just launched Web Stories WordPress plugin in the Wordpress plugin repository. The plugin allow editors to create content in the web stories format from your Wordpress website. The plugin...

How Green is Your Cloud Business : The Cloud Jewels

Cloud providers generally do not disclose to customers how much energy their services consume, the reason why Etsy team created a conversion factors called Cloud Jewels to help estimating energy used...

PHP: The “Right” Way Free eBook

We continue this week's security series with a free eBook titled PHP : The "Right" Way, which claims to be your guide to PHP best practices, coding standards, and authoritative tutorials....

How Wikipedia Doubled Editing Speed Using HHVM

WikiMedia have a new blog and a great new experience on scaling writes for WikiPedia, by doubling editing speed using HipHop Virtual Machine.  Having WikiPedia written in PHP is an advantage...

Github Octoverse, Top Programming Languages of 2018

Github released the yearly Octoverse report, a brief analysis of which ones were best represented or trending on GitHub. This year developers collaborated on GitHub across repositories, pull requests, issues, and comments...

PHP-ML, Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP-ML is a fresh approach to Machine Learning in PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library. The library support : Association rule learning, Classification, Regression,...

How a Single index.php Generate $65k/Month

Last week Pieter shared a very viral tweet, his single index.php file is generating more than $65k, No frameworks or libraries, except jQuery. The stack is quite simple : PHP7, jQuery,...

Estimate Cost of Code Review and PHP-ML Stock Forecast Using Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning is a very hot topic for most developers, but not a very common topic for web developers. PHP-ML is a machine learning library available for PHP...

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