PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

Exclusive Report: PHP Freelancing, a 30% Growth in 2014

Thousands of PHP freelancing jobs are posted daily over the internet and in specifically.  PHP projects represent the largest part of business, the reason why it’s considered as the...

A Parser for PHP written in Go ?

You should be familiar with PHP projects written in plain PHP, or in C++, but what about a parser for the PHP programming language written in Go! ? Kind of crazy...

Integrate Microsoft Power BI and PHP

Many business intelligence solutions are today available in the market, and sometimes companies need to integrate these solution’s capabilities into their web applications. An interesting case study is the integration of Microsoft...

74% of PHP Installations are unsecure, You should upgrade !

Anthony Ferrara, Google developer advocate, grabbed our attention this new year's eve with a blog showing over 78% of unsecure PHP installs ! That's pretty huge, especially if we know that...

Brackets, The modern Open Source Editor for Web Designers

It is not really common to find an editor for web designers, it's not only an editor but an Open Source editor backed by a well-known brand for web designers specifically....

PHP-ML, Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP-ML is a fresh approach to Machine Learning in PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library. The library support : Association rule learning, Classification, Regression,...

PHP Metrics : Static analysis tool for PHP

Quality assurance is a key element to make your PHP code clean, simple, easy to maintain, secure and free of bugs ! One of the great tools that you can use...

How Wikipedia Doubled Editing Speed Using HHVM

WikiMedia have a new blog and a great new experience on scaling writes for WikiPedia, by doubling editing speed using HipHop Virtual Machine.  Having WikiPedia written in PHP is an advantage...

PHP for IoT and Embedded Systems

HHVM is now fully-functional on ARM hardware! Announced Max Wang in a blog post.The blog post which is deeply technical, explains in detail how HHVM ARM port have been implemented. You should guess that...

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