CiviCRM, or how PHP and Open Source can help NPOs and NGOs

CiviCRM is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that could be easily integrated with the CMS of your choice such as Drupal, Joomla, or Wordpress. It's specifically designed for the needs...

Behind the Scenes of Wikipedia’s Migration to HHVM

As we have previously announced, Wikipedia migrated its platform to HHVM and we have found some interesting details on their experience posted by Ori Livneh in a Wikimedia blog post. Today...
Roadrunner PHP

RoadRunner PHP Emerging Application Server written in Golang

RoadRunner PHP is an emerging application server, written in Golang. The software is configured that Go's HTTP handler precedes HTTP request, and the load balancer / process manager allocates the request...

turbo.js : Massive Parallel Computations in your Browser with GPGPU

turbo.js is a small library that makes it easier to perform complex calculations that can be done in parallel. The actual calculation performed (the kernel executed) uses the GPU for execution....

Swoole, Hot Production-Grade Async programming Framework for PHP

Swoole is an open source, production ready async programming framework for PHP. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, the framework has the built-in async, multiple...
spotify symfony

New Spotify Symfony Artists website powered by PHP7

James Solomon, programmer at Spotify, announced the launch of the new Spotify Artists website powered by PHP 7, Symfony framework 3.1, and Contentful content management system. Spotify Symfony Revenues are up 8.1%,...

How PHP7 Boosted Tumblr Performance

On the Tumblr engineering blog a post about PHP 7 at Tumblr, and how the migration from PHP5 to PHP7 boosted the performance of Tumblr. The project started as a Hackday...

YugaByte, Open Source, Transactional, High-performance Database

YugaByte DB is an open source database for high performance applications that require ACID transactions and planet-scale data distribution. It supports Cassandra-compatible and Redis-compatible APIs, with PostgreSQL in Beta. YugaByte DB offers both NoSQL and...

Estimate Cost of Code Review and PHP-ML Stock Forecast Using Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning is a very hot topic for most developers, but not a very common topic for web developers. PHP-ML is a machine learning library available for PHP...

Aimeos, e-Commerce Framework and Online Shopping Solution

You should have a look at Aimeos if you are looking to build an online shop, market place, reseller or complex B2B systems, while using your favorite PHP framework ! A...

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