Design Focus

UI, UX, and everything related to frontend development and technology

HexagonalJS, Single Page Apps Clean Architecture

This week a new JavaScript "idea" have been released, HexagonalJS, a Non-framework approach to JavaScript apps - it's not even a library. Jan Filipowski explained the basic idea behind this library,...

BluePrint, The CSS Frameworks

We used to talk about PHP Framework, JavaScript Framework, but CSS Framework is not a common work in web application development, especially for web designer. The case of BluePrint CSS which...

MoonJs, fast, tiny, and intuitive JavaScript Library

Ten years ago, I was one of the judges in an Open Source award competition, In the JavaScript competition I remember jQuery won the JavaScript category. If today we ran again...

scssphp a SASS Compiler written in PHP

SCSS is a CSS preprocessor that adds many features like variables, mixins, imports, color manipulation, functions, and tons of other powerful features. The entire compiler comes in a single class file...

Firefox 67 Released Powered by WebRender, and Dark Mode CSS

Firefox 67 is a very special release launched today and powered by the new rendering engine WebRender, of course in addition to a faster and better JavaScript debugger, support for CSS prefers-color-scheme media queries. The...

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services

Marc D Anderson released a new jQuery library to work with SharePoint Web Services. The library at its alpha state, provides already 5 operations and a utility function to display cascading...

CSSMatic, Most Complete CSS tools for Web Designers

CSSMatic is a new online service providing a set of CSS tools for web designers. Alejandro Sánchez co-founder of CSS Matic said about it : "CSSmatic is a new, simple and intuitive way...

Bootstrap 4.3.0 Released

Bootstrap v4.3 have just been released with over 120 combined closed issues and merged pull requests. This release brings improvements to some utilities, some preparation work for moving on to v5’s...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...