Design Focus

UI, UX, and everything related to frontend development and technology

Airframe, Open Source React Dashboard Admin Panel

Tomasz Owczarczyk shared his new open source react-based dashboard / admin panel powered by Bootstrap 4 & React 16. Airframe came with a minimalist design and innovative Light UI will let...

React Introduce Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components

We all know ReactJs, the JavaScript library to build user interfaces. Now at Facebook they found out that latency between client and server is an issue (sic), and then what about...
tau prolog

Tau Prolog, an Amazing Prolog Interpreter Fully In JavaScript

Prolog is a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, you might never heard about it in the web development but this was my favorite "artificial intelligence" programming...

Introducing the Fistlab PHP Components

Fistlab is a new initiative to create a set of components in various programming languages, which however works almost the same way. This way it will be easier for developers to go...

dhtmlxChart JavaScript Charts Component Released

Dhtmlx team is currently preparing a major upgrade of its Ajax UI toolkit, and as a part of this upgrade some new components will be made available. One of new products...

Tutorial : Build a markdown text editor

As part of the Angular Jira Clone, Trung Vo have written a new tutorial on building a markdown text editor. The markdown editor is written as a module so it could...

MathJax, Beautiful math in all browsers

MathJax is a JavaScript library that allow to render all your mathematics right from a simple web browser ! MathJax is very easy to use, you have only to include the...

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services

Marc D Anderson released a new jQuery library to work with SharePoint Web Services. The library at its alpha state, provides already 5 operations and a utility function to display cascading...

Brackets, The modern Open Source Editor for Web Designers

It is not really common to find an editor for web designers, it's not only an editor but an Open Source editor backed by a well-known brand for web designers specifically....

New Release of Quick Tables, a Handy Database Editor from DHTMLX

DHTMLX announced the update of its Quick Tables, an easy-to-use PHP solution for editing tabular data stored in the database. Quick Tables offer a simple tool for non-programmers to view and...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...