
Symfony 5.2 Adds new Async Cache Recomputing feature

Nicolas Grekas shared on the official Symfony blog a new feature that will be coming in the next Symfony 5.2 : Async cache recomputing. Cache management in previous versions of Symfony...

Laravel schedule monitor

The Laravel schedule monitor as its name indicates monitor scheduled tasks in a Laravel app. It will write an entry to a log table in the db each time a schedule...

GrumPHP, code quality tool 1.0.0 released

GrumPHP is a code quality tool for PHP, available as a composer plugin under an MIT license. GrumPHP will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits...

Top Five PHP Libraries to Boost Code Quality

Day by day you will get more and more familiar with PHP coding standards and your code quality will be perfect by default... And if that day is not happening yet,...

How to Convert Legacy PHP Web Applications to Docker

Take an old PHP 5 web application and convert it to Docker containers, using the latest PHP 7, Composer, Node.js, Grunt, and Bower.
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Lesson learned from PHPUnit 9.3 and Nikita’s PHP Parser

Sebastian Bergmann, author of PHPUnit, shared an interesting story on phpcc about his experience with caching in PHPUnit. The idea is that caching usually is a solution for making things faster,...

PHP 8.0 feature focus: match() expressions

Larry Garfield, Director of Developer Experience at, have written an introductory post on PHP 8.0 new feature match(), which go beyond switch/case directives limitation. While it gets the job done, the...

How to Build a micro-services application with PHP, Kubernetes and Skaffold

Hello World! Excuse the pun… jump on board with me on this journey and we will learn how to setup and deploy a micro-services architecture using Kubernetes, Laravel Lumen and Skaffold. 1....

Wasmer, WebAssembly Runtime and Container Format Alternative

You certainly know Docker, but much less Wasmer, a container format based on WebAssembly which compile many programming languages such as GoLang, Rust, C/C++, D, Python, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, Java, R......
composer php

Tips : Why You Cannot Upgrade to PHP 8 ?

PHP recently dropped support for PHP 7.2, and today only supported versions are PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0, but some applications are still running very old versions of PHP. According to...

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