PHPStan 0.10.6 Released with Full PHP 7.3 Support

Ondřej Mirtes have just announced the availability of PHPStan 0.10.6 with full support for PHP 7.3, which should be available in the next few days. The new release added support for is_countable(), JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR...

Build PHP Extensions Easily with Zephir

Zephir - Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate) - is a high level language that eases the creation and maintainability of PHP extensions. Zephir extensions are exported to C code that can be...

Avoid Dynamic Data structures in PHP

This blog post is an object-oriented approach to use Classes instead of build-in arrays. I’ll show you another view on why it’s better to use a Class/Object instead of an array. In...

New Experimental PHP WASM Extension

Ivan Enderlin announced today a new experimental PHP-ext-WASM extension that will let you natively execute WASM binary in PHP through Rust. The code is more a proof of concept, but more...

PHP Domain Parser 5.4.0 released

PHP domain parser just released version 5.4.0 with support for IANA top level domains. While there are plenty of excellent URL parsers and builders available, there are very few projects that can...

Parsica, Easiest Way to Build Robust Parsers in PHP.

Parsica, PHP Parser Combinators, is the easiest way to build robust parsers in PHP. A parser is a function that takes some unstructured input (like a string) and turns it into...

Faster code Vs faster coding

The eternal question that new PHP developers always ask me is : which is better faster code or faster coding ? And the new question is why choosing PHP for my...

GraalPHP, An Efficient PHP implementation built on GraalVM

Yet Another Efficient PHP Compiler ? Graalphp is an experimental just-in-time (JIT) compiler and runtime for PHP 7.4+ hosted on GraalVM. The project is realized by Andrin Bertschi, from the Advanced...

Awesome PHP Migrations List

Many developers contacted Tomas asking for help to migrate legacy code bases, the reason why he created this awesome list of code bases migrations, legacy refactoring and instant upgrades. So if...

Insphpect, Dynamic Code Analysis Tool

Part of a Ph.D Project by Thomas Butler at the University of Northampton in the UK, Insphpect is a proof of concept to develop a metric for analyzing source code flexibility...

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