Pomm, The Postgresql object model manager for PHP

Pomm is an open source database access framework in PHP dedicated to the Postgresql™ database. It offers an alternative approach than ORM to using database in web applications developments. Imagine an ORM...

Tekuna, MVC Microframework for PHP

We announced last month Limonade PHP microframework. Today here come Tekuna, an MVC Microframework for PHP. Tekuna is small, just 3000 source lines of code, it improves reusability with a component-oriented...

Introducing PIMF, PHP Micro Framework

PIMF is a thin PHP framework with fewer implementation rules that is easy to learn to use. The philosophy behind the framework is that most of the PHP frameworks are bigger than your...

Symfony 4.2.0 Release in Numbers

Symfony 4.2.0 have just been released, just few days after the latest release in the 2.8 branch. The new version include over 240 new small and big changes. As for any other...

Symfony 2, a New Generation of PHP Frameworks

If I have to describe Fabien Potencier, I'll describe him as a Web Composer or a PHP Artist for writing a very beautiful composition played by a large orchestra of PHP...

DooPHP, the Fastest MVC based PHP Framework

Here is a very new project that claims to be the fastest PHP Framework available. DooPHP is a rapid development framework for PHP using commonly known design patterns like MVC...

Tutorial : Testing Like a Boss in Laravel

In a new tutorial on NetTuts+, Zizaco Zizuini wrote an advanced first tutorial titled "Testing like a Boss in Laravel" : Version 4 of Laravel offers serious improvements in relation to testing,...

Swoole, Hot Production-Grade Async programming Framework for PHP

Swoole is an open source, production ready async programming framework for PHP. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, the framework has the built-in async, multiple...

Swoft, PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework

Swoft is a PHP microservices coroutine framework based on the Swoole extension. Like Go, Swoft has a built-in coroutine web server and a common coroutine client and is resident in memory,...

Symfony 2.3.25 Maintenance Release Announced

Symfony 2.3.25 have just been released. The new maintenance release come with over twenty bug fixes and improvements. The latest Symfony branch is actually 2.7, and if you are looking for...

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