Vitche Emission, Lightweight PHP Framework

Vitche Emission PHP Framework is a non-commercial Open Source lightweight PHP Framework. The key idea of that framework is to use central repository for keeping source code and providing all...
swoole mascot

Swoole PHP 4.6.3 Released with Multiple New Features and Enhancement

Swoole PHP v4.6.3 have just been released with multiple new features and enhancement today including set Content-Length header, compression_min_length and more... Namespace alias functions are added for go and defer Two new...

Symfony 5.2.3 released

Symfony 5.2.3 has just been released with about ten bugfixes. It's not really common to have only one release of Symfony, since the 5.1 branch is not supported anymore since last...

Swoft, PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework

Swoft is a PHP microservices coroutine framework based on the Swoole extension. Like Go, Swoft has a built-in coroutine web server and a common coroutine client and is resident in memory,...

RedBeanPHP 1.0 Released, Easy Object Database

RedBeanPHP is a zero-config, easy-to-use object database for PHP and an ORM tool. It works very simply. Just create bean objects and throw them at RedBean. RedBean will analyze your...

ShinyCore, build Action-Domain-Responder applications with PHP

ShinyCore is a framework designed to quickly build web applications following the Action-Domain-Responder pattern. The easiest and recommended way to start a new ShinyCore based application is to use the ShinyCoreApp. This boilerplate...

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