Go PHP5…

After long discussions about adopting PHP5 against PHP4, and dropping the PHP4 support forever from PHP.net site, a new initiative GoPHP5 have been launched to promote and help this transition. Hope this...

Goto PHP 5.3

As you might know, GOTO operator will be officially available in PHP 5.3 There is already a page in PHP Documentation about GOTO operator http://php.net/goto The goto operator can be used to...


Today the PHP community have are already ten PSRs (PHP Standard Recommendations), five accepted, four drafts and one under review. This week we'll be talking about these PSRs and the PHP-FIG...

XML in Depth and Web Services Magazine online

Today two new magazines are officially parts of the PHP Magazine Network XML in Depth and Web Services Magazine. As you may notice that the project isn't new launched since december...

Coding Spaghettis

There is no doubt that JavaScript today is becoming more and more present in web application development, not as small scripts to validate a form, or to preload images, but as...

WikiPedia Closing ?

Absolutely NO ! A quote by Florence Devouard, chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation, haven't been understood in its context and many thought that this is the end of Wikipedia. Florence said in...

Four, Five, Six…

I was reading Nick Lewis post on why "Should Drupal move to PHP 5" and personally don't agree much with the reasons that PHP4 is dying, and the days will prove...

PHP 4.4.10 Released

Seven years ago, was released the latest version in the PHP4 branch : 4.4.9. Today the latest versions in the official PHP.net website are 5.4.40, 5.5.24, and 5.6.8. While most of...

Our Network Growth

We have many hot news to announce in the next months, but we'd love to hear your feedback about our current work until now. Today we have 23 blogs members of...

Election 2.0

I think that someone have noticed how popular are social networks and thought about using this bonus in presidential election. You might guess who I'm talking about, Barack Obama. BarackObama.com is currently...

Social Media


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