
Welcome to PHP Magazine Network ! I think that there is more than a topic to talk about in my blog, that need to be in a separate website : SEO, Googling,...

PHP On Symbian

If you google for "PHP Symbian" you will find a very old post written in 2004 at circle.ch pointing to an older php groups post that I have written earlier in...

PHP and mobile application development

Today that mobile web application are becoming more and more popular, why we don't see developers or companies more interested into developing technologies and solutions for mobile ? You can notice...

Announcing PHP Coding Puzzles

We're excited to announce a new series of articles featuring challenging coding puzzles in PHP. Every day starting from next week, we'll present a new puzzle to test your PHP skills...

TestFest 2008

The official PHP.net website have announced last month the TestFest 2008, a testing festival that will take place next month to improve the code coverage of the test suite for the...

Are You Ready For The World Cup ?

Counting down... two more days before the start of World Cup 2006! I

We are back…

How did you spend the last two years without us ?! For me it was not that easy to abandon a project that I have spend so many years working on it, in...
phpclasses partnership

PHP Classes and PHP Magazine Partnership announced

January 27, 2021 - We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between PHP Classes Site and PHP Magazine Network to share the latest news to the PHP community.  If you are following PHP Classes site...

Happy Birthday PHPMagazine.net

I am thrilled to announce that PHPMagazine.net is turning 12 years old today! I would like to thank everyone who sent us messages yesterday. Thanks to all our readers and followers....

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...