We have many hot news to announce in the next months, but we’d love to hear your feedback about our current work until now. Today we have 23 blogs members of the PHP Magazine Network, one blog launched last month and four others will be launched by the beginning of 2007.

Thing which will make our job harder in the future, in the same time we want to keep our blogs relevant to web development in general, with most important news and topics that might interest professionals. Because PHPMagazine.net is a new concept, we are trying to keep it always new with new ideas and projects.
Many asked me about our wiki why is it password protected ? The main reason that we are currently busy using the wiki for brainstorming and everything now is prepared there before being officially launched on the network : new features, new services … etc. In addition to a new experience of writing our first book using the wiki, if the experience will be successful, there will be certainly more books projects coming in the future.
But before all this, we’d love to hear your feedback about our network, our current work and future projects. Feel free to contact us if you have any question.


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