Js-Sequence-Diagrams, Turns text into UML sequence diagrams

Js-Sequence-Diagrams is a new javascript library to turn text into vector UML sequence diagrams. The library uses Jison to parse the text, and Raphaël to draw the image. The result is...

Ketting, a hypermedia client for Javascript

Ketting library is meant to be a generic HATEOAS library for Javascript using a simple, modern API. Currently it only supports the HAL and HTML formats, it supports an opinionated set of modern...

Bootstrap 4.6.0 Released with all new backend !

Bootstrap v4.6.0 have just been released with a couple new features, several bugfixes, and some awesome documentation updates to make v4 more maintainable alongside our development of v5. The biggest...

React Introduce Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components

We all know ReactJs, the JavaScript library to build user interfaces. Now at Facebook they found out that latency between client and server is an issue (sic), and then what about...

Bootstrap 4.3.0 Released

Bootstrap v4.3 have just been released with over 120 combined closed issues and merged pull requests. This release brings improvements to some utilities, some preparation work for moving on to v5’s...

Twitter Open Sourced their jQuery Autocomplete plugin Typeahead.js

On the twitter engineering blog, Twitter opensource typeahead.js, a fast and battle-tested jQuery plugin for auto completion. The plugin source code is available now on GitHub under the MIT license. By sharing...

React v16.6.0 Released with lazy, memo and contextType

React released version 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context...
tau prolog

Tau Prolog, an Amazing Prolog Interpreter Fully In JavaScript

Prolog is a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, you might never heard about it in the web development but this was my favorite "artificial intelligence" programming...

React Admin 3.9.0 Released

React Admin 3.9.0 have just been released with TypeScript support, in addition to new features, it enables IDE autocompletion of react-admin component props. https://twitter.com/ReactAdmin/status/1312007015124869120 Some of the new features include : Add user...

Turtle.audio, Extremely Addictive Music Creation Program

Turtle audio is the latest music creation software of Kyle Stets, slack engineer. A web-based music sequencer inspired by turtle graphics programming that he was working on for over two years using...

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