5 Useful Tools for Web Developers

1- Regex101.com An interesting tool to debug regular expressions online, but also a great library of useful and ready to use regular expressions. You can choose your favorite flavor of regular expression...

PHP RFC readonly amendments implemented in PHP 8.3

The PHP RFC (Request for Comments) proposing readonly properties and parameters has been implemented in PHP 8.3, the latest version of the popular programming language. This feature, which was approved in...

From Symfony to Laravel: A Developer’s Journey and Lessons Learned

He is very known for his work on PHP tools such as PHPStan, EasyCodingStandard, and PHP Rector. As a seasoned PHP developer, Tomas has worked with many frameworks and libraries over...
php spx

PHP SPX, Simple and Powerful Profiling eXtension for PHP with Web UI

PHP SPX, Simple Profiling eXtension, is just another profiling extension for PHP, free, open source and bundled with a Web UI. SPX is totally free and confined to your infrastructure, nothing from...

iPFaces Mobile Framework to Facilitate Network Applications Creation

iPFaces framework is a new mobile solution designed to simplify the creation of native, form-oriented network applications for mobile devices. Its usage allows the programmer to focus on design and functionality...

Why Symfony Framework is leaving PHP-FIG

Yesterday, Fabien Potencier submitted a pull request to the PHP-FIG requesting to remove Symfony with a note : "no description provided". According to Fabien, everything seems to be great with the...

SoloSEO, Everything you need for SEO

Sponsored Post: SoloSEO is a great collection of web-based tools to manage your SEO project. The service aims to provide a set of useful tools to help your site rank higher...

PHP2Go, Implementing PHP functions in Golang

Golang developers can now enjoy the simplicity and the power of PHP functions, with over 140 functions implemented in Go. PHP2Go aims to implement PHP's common built-in functions, and they are...

Sencha’s “HTML5 is Ready” App Contest Winners Announced

About three months ago, Sencha announced the HTML5 is Ready App Contest : The contest is simple: start with one of the six categories (based on default native apps found on most...

PHP Deep Fryer !

The title was very attractive that I asked myself what can a PHP deep fryer fry !? An image ! To use it you need to create an instance of the...

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