PHP2Go, Implementing PHP functions in Golang

Golang developers can now enjoy the simplicity and the power of PHP functions, with over 140 functions implemented in Go. PHP2Go aims to implement PHP's common built-in functions, and they are...

iPFaces Mobile Framework to Facilitate Network Applications Creation

iPFaces framework is a new mobile solution designed to simplify the creation of native, form-oriented network applications for mobile devices. Its usage allows the programmer to focus on design and functionality...
Javascript chess engine

First implementation of a JavaScript chess engine

Today Morfik released version 0.4 of the Morfik JavaScript Chess engine. This version uses a chess engine developed with WebOS AppsBuilder using Object Pascal and which is compiled into pure JavaScript and HTML so...

Multilingual Marketing, Localization and SEO

English may have emerged as the international language of business and, subsequently, as the default language of the World Wide Web, but consider this: 75% of the world's ...

PHP Builder new look

PHP Builder got a new look recently, one of the very first PHP Communities where I remember I learned learned a lot with new articles from there many years ago....

HTTP/3, The next HTTP protocol will use QUIC for transport !

Daniel Stenberg announced in a blog post HTTP/3, not another transport protocol, but the new official name of the HTTP-over-QUIC protocol which was originally created by Google in 2012. The new...

From Symfony to Laravel: A Developer’s Journey and Lessons Learned

He is very known for his work on PHP tools such as PHPStan, EasyCodingStandard, and PHP Rector. As a seasoned PHP developer, Tomas has worked with many frameworks and libraries over...

PHP 5.5 Opcode Cache Benchmarks

Zeev shared on twitter the result of benchmarking PHP 5.5 with Opcode cache which will be officially available for the next PHP5.5 release. The first benchmark have been run with PHP...

When you should rewrite your API

Why should the owner of Tesla and SpaceX worry about rewriting twitter API ? His tweet read: "A small API change had massive ramifications. The code stack is extremely brittle for no...
symfony audit logs

Auditor, the Missing Symfony Audit Log Library

Auditor is a PHP library that aims to provide an easy and standardized way to collect Symfony audit logs. The library is architected around two components : Auditing services responsible for...

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