When you should rewrite your API

Why should the owner of Tesla and SpaceX worry about rewriting twitter API ? https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1632810081497513993?t=5kbIVriF-e9K5jkCQOtRqw&s=19 His tweet read: "A small API change had massive ramifications. The code stack is extremely brittle for no...

Phan, Static Analyzer for PHP

Phan is a static analyzer for PHP that prefers to minimize false-positives. Phan attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness. It looks for common issues and will verify type compatibility on various...

Docker Deletes Open Source Organizations: A Betrayal of Community Trust ?

On March 15th, 2023, Docker sent a shocking email to its users who had created "organisations" on Docker Hub, stating that their accounts would be deleted along with all images if...

Twitter Open Sourced their jQuery Autocomplete plugin Typeahead.js

On the twitter engineering blog, Twitter opensource typeahead.js, a fast and battle-tested jQuery plugin for auto completion. The plugin source code is available now on GitHub under the MIT license. By sharing...

Will we still need PHP Developers in the next decade ?

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and tools in recent years has led many developers and IT professionals to wonder about the future of web application development. With the...
symfony audit logs

Auditor, the Missing Symfony Audit Log Library

Auditor is a PHP library that aims to provide an easy and standardized way to collect Symfony audit logs. The library is architected around two components : Auditing services responsible for...

SoloSEO, Everything you need for SEO

Sponsored Post: SoloSEO is a great collection of web-based tools to manage your SEO project. The service aims to provide a set of useful tools to help your site rank higher...

Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit

Yahoo! have just released the version 1.0 of Design Stencil Kit. The kit is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG), and covers the...

Marco switched to GoLang from PHP and Saved Money, why not you ?!

On the High Scalability blog an article titled Marco Arment Uses Go Instead of PHP and Saves Money by Cutting the Number of Servers in Half. You understand that by switching...

BookStack, a Wiki with Astonished Features

BookStack is an opinionated wiki system that provides a pleasant and simple out of the box experience. New users to an instance should find the experience intuitive and only basic word-processing...

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