Front-End Development

This category covers front-end development topics that are important for web developers. It includes UI/UX design, JavaScript basics, front-end frameworks, AJAX, JSON, and front-end best practices.

New Flexbox support in Firefox Devtools

Firefox Devtools can now better inspect Flexbox items, the new feature added in the dev edition allow when inspecting an item the sidebar shows a diagram illustrating basis, shrink/grow, and min/max. The step-by-step...

Flutter 1.0 Released, Google’s Portable UI Toolkit

Google have just announced at Flutter Live, the availability of Flutter 1.0, the first stable release of the Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful, native experiences for iOS and Android from..., Extremely Addictive Music Creation Program

Turtle audio is the latest music creation software of Kyle Stets, slack engineer. A web-based music sequencer inspired by turtle graphics programming that he was working on for over two years using...
tau prolog

Tau Prolog, an Amazing Prolog Interpreter Fully In JavaScript

Prolog is a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, you might never heard about it in the web development but this was my favorite "artificial intelligence" programming...

Sky Component for React

Sky is a pretty cool React component for interactive backgrounds, written by Luca Gesmundo and released under an MIT License. Check the demo online. You can install it using : npm install --save react-sky Then usage...

Statusfy, A Marvelous Open Source Status Page System

Statusfy is a Status Page System, easy to use and completely Open Source. You can easily create a fast System either Static Generated or Server Rendered and easily deploy it to...

Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development

If you are looking to learn building single page  applications using the latest technologies, here is an interesting book that you should have written by Olga Filipova : Vue.js 2 and...

React v16.6.0 Released with lazy, memo and contextType

React released version 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context...

Ketting, a hypermedia client for Javascript

Ketting library is meant to be a generic HATEOAS library for Javascript using a simple, modern API. Currently it only supports the HAL and HTML formats, it supports an opinionated set of modern...

Introducing the Fistlab PHP Components

Fistlab is a new initiative to create a set of components in various programming languages, which however works almost the same way. This way it will be easier for developers to go...

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