Advanced Topics

This category covers advanced PHP topics such as OOP, design patterns, database, web services, and emerging technologies. Readers can learn how to leverage advanced PHP techniques to build scalable and robust web applications.


SymfonyInsight, The Commercial Quality Assurance tool for Symfony with PHP 8 support !

SymfonyInsight is a commercial quality assurance tool that analyzes your source code to find problems that degrade the overall quality of your projects. It's the official Symfony platform to monitor and...

KoolReport, intuitive and flexible PHP reporting framework

KoolReport is an intuitive and flexible Open-Source PHP Reporting Framework for faster and easier report delivery. It gives you full control of data process as well as data visualization. It is...

Tutorial : Testing Like a Boss in Laravel

In a new tutorial on NetTuts+, Zizaco Zizuini wrote an advanced first tutorial titled "Testing like a Boss in Laravel" : Version 4 of Laravel offers serious improvements in relation to testing,...

PHP Scoper, Get Your Code Ready for Packaging

PHP-Scoper is a tool which essentially moves any body of code, including all dependencies such as vendor directories, to a new and distinct namespace. The tool goal is to make sure...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...