
PhpTree is a PHP implementation of tree data structure that provides multiple trees implementations. The library also provides four trees traversals algorithm : In order, Post order, Pre Order, and Breadth first. In addition to exporters and importers such as Graph or simple text. The supported trees implementations include :

  • Node: The base class.
  • N-ary node: (or K-ary tree) extends the base class and allows you to specify the capacity of a node, the maximum children a node can have.
  • Value node: extends the N-ary node and allows you to attach a value to the node.
  • KeyValue node: extends the Value node and allows you to attach a key and a value to the node.
  • Trie node: extends the KeyValue node, a simple Trie tree.
  • Auto-balanced node: extends the N-ary node and tries to keep the tree as symetric as possible. It automatically balance all the children as soon as they are added.
  • Merkle node: a tree in which every non-leaf node is labelled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes.

Below simple usage of the PhpTree library


declare(strict_types = 1);

use Graphp\GraphViz\GraphViz;
use drupol\phptree\Exporter\Graph;
use drupol\phptree\Node\ValueNode;
use drupol\phptree\Exporter\Text;

include './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create the root node.
$tree = new ValueNode('root', 2);

$nodes = [];
foreach (\range('A', 'Z') as $v) {
    $nodes[] = new ValueNode($v);

// Add children to the root node.

// Export to an image.
$graphViz = new GraphViz();
$graphExporter = new Graph();

// Export to text.
$textExporter = new Text();
echo $textExporter->export($tree); // [root [A [C [G [O] [P]] [H [Q] [R]]] [D [I [S] [T]] [J [U] [V]]]] [B [E [K [W] [X]] [L [Y] [Z]]] [F [M] [N]]]]⏎

Exporters and importers supported by the library include :

  • Ascii: Export a tree into an ascii graphic, just for swag and visualisation fun.
  • Graph: Export a tree into a Graph using the graphp/graphp library.
  • GraphViz: Export a tree into a script in GraphViz format.
  • Text: Export a tree into a simple string, easy for storing in a database.
  • nikic/php-ast: Import a tree from an AST generated by the PHP extension AST.
  • nikic/php-parser: Import a tree from an AST generated by nikic/php-parser.
  • microsoft/tolerant-php-parser: Import a tree from an AST generated by microsoft/tolerant-php-parser.

And finally Modifier:

  • Reverse: To reverse a tree, all the children are mirrored.

PHPTree is an open source PHP library that requires PHP >= 7.1. Released under an MIT license. More information at


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