Two months only remaining for PHP5 to get security releases before its official end of life. The version 5 of PHP is powering the web since 2014, however it is no longer active since 2017 while security releases for the version 5 and 7.0 will shutdown both in December 2018.

According to a recent report, PHP is the most popular programming language for the web with 78.9%, while the PHP version 5 is used by 61.5% of all the websites. PHP5 users are invited to migrate their websites as soon as possible to the latest PHP versions 7.2.

Many companies have already took actions by ending PHP5 support, the case of Acquia which ended support for PHP 5.6 in favor of PHP 7.1 and 7.2 on 30 September 2018.

“This deadline will not be extended, as it is critical your website be upgraded to ensure its continued security.” The company mentioned in a recent note.

The following documentation might help with updating your code from PHP 5 to PHP 7.2, and make sure you do not upgrade to the version 7.0 because it will be only waste of time :

Some popular websites that are still using PHP5 include :, and

More information : Usage statistics and market share of PHP for websites by w3techs.



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