Phan, Static Analyzer for PHP

Phan is a static analyzer for PHP that prefers to minimize false-positives. Phan attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness. It looks for common issues and will verify type compatibility on various...
php namespaces

PHP Namespaces Basics Tutorial

Sitepoint have a new article today introducing to PHP Namespaces, one of the latest addition in PHP 5.3. In the article Craig Buckler show why do we need namespaces and how...

Practice Design Patterns in PHP

DesignPatternsPHP is a collection of known design patterns and some sample code how to implement them in PHP. Every pattern has a small list of examples (most of them from Zend...

New Getter injection in Symfony 3.3

Getter injection is one of the new experimental features in Symfony 3.3. It adds up to the usual mechanisms used for dependency injection and doesn't replace any of them. Instead, it provides...

The faster you unlearn OOP, the better for you and your software

Maybe it's just my experience, but Object-Oriented Programming seems like a default, most common paradigm of software engineering. The one typically thought to students, featured in online material and for some...

PHP Toolkit for ADO.NET Data Services, bridge for PHP developers to .NET through REST

Interoperability @ Microsoft have just announced today a new bridge for PHP developers to .NET through REST : PHP Toolkit for ADO.NET Data Services. ADO.NET Data Services have been recently added...

Ways to use Redis database from PHP

On the Remi's blog a small comparison of the various solutions to use a Redis database from PHP on Linux, all tested on Fedora 25 but should work on RHEL, CentOS...

Goro, PHP implementation written in Golang

Goro is an implementation of PHP, written in pure Go (as much as possible, right now pcre doesn't exist in pure go and require usage of libpcre). The project is at...

Exploring Alternatives PHP Layer for AWS Lambda – updated

After the official announcement of PHP Layer for AWS Lambda by Stackery, we did not find any benchmark or proof of a PHP application running properly on AWS Lambda. Matthieu Napoli have...

PPM, process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications

PHP-PM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications. Based on ReactPHP and works best with applications that use request-response frameworks like Symfony's HTTPKernel. The approach of this is to...

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