Ways to use Redis database from PHP

On the Remi's blog a small comparison of the various solutions to use a Redis database from PHP on Linux, all tested on Fedora 25 but should work on RHEL, CentOS...

GrumPHP, code quality tool 1.0.0 released

GrumPHP is a code quality tool for PHP, available as a composer plugin under an MIT license. GrumPHP will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits...

Top Five PHP Libraries to Boost Code Quality

Day by day you will get more and more familiar with PHP coding standards and your code quality will be perfect by default... And if that day is not happening yet,...
symfony Panther

Symfony Panther 1.0 Released, Awesome Browser Testing and Crawling Library

Symfony Panther 1.0 have just been released, the browser testing and web scraping library for PHP and Symfony. The library relies on theWebDriver W3C specification to manipulate real web browsers. Chrome...
Custom runtimes for AWS Lambda

PHP Layer For AWS Lambda Announced

Amazon AWS announced new features in the AWS Lambda such as the custom runtimes, which will let you bring basically any language to the platform. Lambda was launched in 2015, the...

Casbin, Powerful and Efficient ACL for Your Projects

Casbin is an authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for Golang, Java, PHP and Node.js. The PHP version have been recently released and provides support for Laravel,...

Awesome PHP Migrations List

Many developers contacted Tomas asking for help to migrate legacy code bases, the reason why he created this awesome list of code bases migrations, legacy refactoring and instant upgrades. So if...

Boosting Your PHP Application Performance with PHPSpy: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you struggling with slow response times or high resource usage in your PHP application? And looking for quick solution to check what's wrong without changing your application, and with minimal...

How to Convert Legacy PHP Web Applications to Docker

Take an old PHP 5 web application and convert it to Docker containers, using the latest PHP 7, Composer, Node.js, Grunt, and Bower.

New Experimental PHP WASM Extension

Ivan Enderlin announced today a new experimental PHP-ext-WASM extension that will let you natively execute WASM binary in PHP through Rust. The code is more a proof of concept, but more...

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