
Xdebug 3.0.0beta1 Released with PHP8 support

Derick Rethans just announced the availability of Xdebug 3.0.0beta1. This version supports PHP 8, and changes how Xdebug is configured. It is also much faster than Xdebug 2. Configuration changes, massive...

Ushahidi, Collect Data from the World and Help Make it Better

Ushahidi is an open source web application for information collection, visualisation and interactive mapping. It allows people to collect and share their own stories using various mediums such as SMS, Web...

Amphp, Leading PHP into an asynchronous future

Amphp is an open source non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP. It provides an event loop, promises and streams as a base for asynchronous programming. The framework promises in combination with generators...

Symfony 5.2 Adds new Async Cache Recomputing feature

Nicolas Grekas shared on the official Symfony blog a new feature that will be coming in the next Symfony 5.2 : Async cache recomputing. Cache management in previous versions of Symfony...

Mollom, Security Webservice That Makes Websites Moderation Easier

Mollom is a new initiative launched by Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, and Benjamin Schrauwen, to provide a complete solution to prevent spam and helps improve overall content quality. Mollom...

GrumPHP, code quality tool 1.0.0 released

GrumPHP is a code quality tool for PHP, available as a composer plugin under an MIT license. GrumPHP will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits...
Learn PHP netflix clone

Learn PHP, JavaScript and MySQL by creating a Netflix Clone from Scratch

Learn PHP Today ! We received lots of questions asking about tutorials that you can begin with learning programming. The problem always when some developers are just starting programming they want...

Hardening Framework plans to support PHP

The Hardening Framework is a security automation framework that applies secure default configuration while allowing customization for each deployment. It adds a layer into your automation framework, that configures your operating...
php inheritance cache

Inheritance Cache Improvement for PHP Classes

Dmitry Stogov shared on PHP internals his work on Inheritance cache, a proof of concept that eliminates overhead of PHP class inheritance. Dmitry explained that PHP classes are compiled and cached...

Integrate Microsoft Power BI and PHP

Many business intelligence solutions are today available in the market, and sometimes companies need to integrate these solution’s capabilities into their web applications. An interesting case study is the integration of Microsoft...

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