Var_masterpiece the PHP var_dump Beautifier for Chrome

Var_masterpiece is a simple and useful PHP var_dump() beautifier that you can run on your Chrome browser. It simply turn the result of the var_dump function into a readable, parsable, foldable...

Setup Your Own Pear Channel on Ubuntu 9.04

Last night I installed a Pear channel on my Aspire One so thought about sharing the installation process with you. You might have a look at Greg Beaver's howto, three years...
Custom runtimes for AWS Lambda

PHP Layer For AWS Lambda Announced

Amazon AWS announced new features in the AWS Lambda such as the custom runtimes, which will let you bring basically any language to the platform. Lambda was launched in 2015, the...

Ciphersweet, Fast searchable field-level encryption for PHP projects

CipherSweet is a backend library developed by Paragon Initiative Enterprises for implementing searchable field-level encryption. The library come to answer the question "How do we securely encrypt database fields but still use these fields in...

PHP Parallel 1.0.0 Released, the Concurrency API for PHP7

Joe Watkins have just announced the availability of Parallel 1.0.0 for PHP, the succinct parallel concurrency API for PHP7. Now you can easily write a web crawler in PHP or do...

ORM Designer Reviewed

Many developers building web applications accessing databases can’t imagine their work without using ORM framework, but as much as the ORM frameworks ease the development and make the code easier to...

Peachpie, The PHP Compiler and Runtime for .NET

Peachpie is a modern PHP compiler based on Roslyn by Microsoft and drawing from our popular Phalanger project. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET framework, thereby opening the...

Swoole, Hot Production-Grade Async programming Framework for PHP

Swoole is an open source, production ready async programming framework for PHP. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, the framework has the built-in async, multiple...

Why Symfony Framework is leaving PHP-FIG

Yesterday, Fabien Potencier submitted a pull request to the PHP-FIG requesting to remove Symfony with a note : "no description provided". According to Fabien, everything seems to be great with the...

JoyJS, a joyful HTML5 2D Game Engine

JoyJS is a very new HTML5 2D Game Engine designed to be easy to use. The current version of the library 0.1.1 provides support for : Keyboard input Mouse input Viewport / Head-up display Tilemap /...

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