Humbug: Mutation Testing for PHP

Pádraic Brady announced in a blog post Hambug, a mutation testing framework for PHP. Basically Hambug injects errors in your original code trying to emulate programmers errors then check whether your...

What’s New in Doctrine ORM 2.5

Doctrine 2.5, currently in beta, will drop support for PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 will become the minimum requirement enforced with composer. A Total of 21 improvements and new features have...

Hardening Framework plans to support PHP

The Hardening Framework is a security automation framework that applies secure default configuration while allowing customization for each deployment. It adds a layer into your automation framework, that configures your operating...

Magallanes, Simplify Your PHP Application Deployments

Magallanes is a deployment tool for PHP applications and written in PHP, also known as MagePHP. Very simple to use and manage but very powerful in features that you will need...

Integrate Microsoft Power BI and PHP

Many business intelligence solutions are today available in the market, and sometimes companies need to integrate these solution’s capabilities into their web applications. An interesting case study is the integration of Microsoft...

PHP-ML, Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP-ML is a fresh approach to Machine Learning in PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library. The library support : Association rule learning, Classification, Regression,...

PHP Metrics : Static analysis tool for PHP

Quality assurance is a key element to make your PHP code clean, simple, easy to maintain, secure and free of bugs ! One of the great tools that you can use...

How Wikipedia Doubled Editing Speed Using HHVM

WikiMedia have a new blog and a great new experience on scaling writes for WikiPedia, by doubling editing speed using HipHop Virtual Machine.  Having WikiPedia written in PHP is an advantage...

Fat-Free PHP Framework

Fat-Free is a modular and lightweight PHP 5.3+ Web application framework designed to help build dynamic and robust Web sites. It shows some resemblance to Ruby's Sinatra and PHP's Limonade,...

PHP for IoT and Embedded Systems

HHVM is now fully-functional on ARM hardware! Announced Max Wang in a blog post.The blog post which is deeply technical, explains in detail how HHVM ARM port have been implemented. You should guess that...

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