MySQL 8.0.26

MySQL 8.0.26 and 5.7.35 Released

Two new version have just been announced MySQL 8.0.26 and 5.7.35 of the popular open source database management system in conjunction with the 8.0.26 Connector and Component products. MySQL Cluster 8.0.26 have...

Symfony 5.3.4, 5.2.12 and 4.4.27 Released

Symfony 5.3.4 has just been released. has just been released with 46 bug fix. This is the fourth release in the 5.3 branch, first released in May 2021 with end of life...

Laravel 8.32.1 and 6.20.18 Released

Laravel 8.32.1, 6.20.18 and 8.32.0 have been released ! Two minor releases in one day due to change added by the creator of Laravel Taylor Otwell, to adjust exception behavior in...

Symfony 5.3.2 released

Symfony 5.3.2 has just been released. has just been released with over 30 bug fix. This is the second release in the 5.3 branch, first released in May 2021 with end...

API-Platform 2.6.4 Released

API-Platform 2.6.4 have just been released with multiple bugfixes.  API-Platform is a PHP library to helps you build a fully-featured hypermedia or GraphQL API in minutes, and it can be easily integrated...
new php 8.0.3

PHP 8.0.9 and 7.4.22 released!

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.0.9 and 7.4.22. These are all bug fix releases. All PHP 8.0 and 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to respective version. Changes...
cakephp logo

CakePHP 3.9.7 Maintenance Release Announced

The CakePHP core team have just announced the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.9.7. This is a maintenance release for the 3.9 branch that fixes several community reported issues mainly related to...
api-platform 2.6.3

API-Platform 2.6.3 Released Bugfixes version

API-Platform 2.6.3 have just been released with multiple bugfixes. API-Platform is a PHP library to helps you build a fully-featured hypermedia or GraphQL API in minutes, and it can be easily...

PHP Enums Just Landed in PHP 8.1

Voting for the PHP Enums RFC have just ended today with 44 Yes and & No, So Enumerations will be finally part of the next PHP 8.1. PHP Enumerations RFC was...

Symfony 5.2.6 and 4.4.21 Released

Symfony 5.2.6 and 4.4.21 has just been released with about forty bugs fixed. Bugs fixed in the components Form, HttpClient, HttpKernel, Translation, Security, Console, Validator, FrameworkBundle, RateLimiter, PhpUnitBridge, Inflector, VarDumper, BridgeTwig,...

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