Google Launches Web Stories WordPress Plugin
Google have just launched Web Stories WordPress plugin in the Wordpress plugin repository. The plugin allow editors to create content in the web stories format from your Wordpress website. The plugin...
Google Sitemaps Down – SlashDotted
Two days ago Google Sitemaps was down just serving 502 Server Error. Reason : it was SlashDotted.
hat's funny, Joey! As soon as you said that, I told myself--"it must have gotten...
Tips : Googling for MP3
Since google scan everything, so here is how you can download MP3 from google :
Googling for MP3
Google Print : a new way to find books
Finding books with Google Print is easy: just enter the keyword or phrase you're looking for into the Google Print search box. For example, when you search for "rock climbing" or...
Google released Wave Protocol Code
While I'm still waiting for my Wave invitation, Google released today code for the wave protocol with installation instructions to create your own wave servers, and how to generate a Self-Signed...
Yahoo Mindset : Google labs vs Yahoo! labs
This is an amazing search solution by Yahoo!
A Yahoo! Research Labs demo
that applies a new twist on search that uses machine learning
technology to give you a choice: View Yahoo! Search...
Google Drops IE6 support from Google Apps
In an email sent to Google Apps Admins, Google Apps team are dropping old browsers support from Google Apps in order to improve their products and deliver more sophisticated features and...
QUIC, new Google’s UDP replacement ?
François Beaufort revealed a new protocol that Google is actually working on it as an improvement to the standard UDP called : QUIC. The new protocol code is available in the...
Google Sitemaps
Google releases Google Sitemaps
“Google Sitemaps is an experiment in web crawling. Using Sitemaps to inform and direct our crawlers, we hope to expand our coverage of the web and improve...
New Google AdSense Links
You should noticed that there is links in the bottom page under the comment form. The new Google Adsense Links looks very practical since its using keywords that linked to a...